Metal strip and lead fastener used for locking freight car or container doors. Seals are numbered for recording purposes. A seal is generally affixed after Customs exams have been completed, and prior to the container being loaded on the first conveyance. This seal is meant to stay on through to the container's final destination and is removed by the consignee. They can either be a bolt seal or a cable seal and each has its own unique number as identification that is listed on the shipping paperwork. The most important part of having the seal, besides having it unbroken during shipping, is that it is put in the correct place on the container. A shipping container has two doors and a lock rod on each door. A seal must be placed on either both lock rods or just the right door since that is the door that will open first. Before opening the container, the people who receive the container must check the bill of lading to be sure the seal number matches with the one on the container they have received. It will have a series of letters and then numbers and all must match exactly or it could be different from the original seal. container. Not only is it there to protect the shipper, but it is just as important to the shipping line.