A large, flat-bottomed boat used to carry cargo from a port to shallow-draft waterways. Barges are either self propelled or pushed by tugs or pulled by tow boats. barges are often linked together and towed in a line known as strings. Barges have no locomotion and are pushed by towboats. A single, standard barge can hold 1,500 tons of cargo or as much as either 15 railroad cars or 60 trucks can carry. A barge is 200 feet long, 35 feet wide and has a draft of 9 feet. Barges carry dry bulk (grain, coal, lumber, gravel, etc.) and liquid bulk (petroleum, vegetable oils, molasses, etc.). General categories: Dumb barge: barge without engines, sails or pushing powers. Flat Top Barge: 5000T to 10000 Ts deadweight standard barge which is intended to be used for off-shore ( transloading) activities but can also be adapted to many other commercial activities. Hopper barge: A barge of wood / steel engaged in harbor for dredging work.The dredged spoils are collected and dumped in the outside harbor or at suitable place by bucket-type conveyors or grabs or opening the floor.